HSI Awards For Botanical And Horticultural Research Projects on the Zingiberales
The Heliconia Society International sponsors a small grants program supporting research projects on any aspects of the botany and horticulture of the Zingiberales conducted by graduate and post-doctoral students enrolled at recognized universities and research institutions. Annual grants of $1,000 are available, but only one award will be granted to any researcher at a time. A student or postdoc can receive a single grant in a three year period. After three years, they are welcome to submit another proposal to extend previously funded research or to support a separate project. Proposals may be submitted at any time and will be reviewed periodically by the Society's Grants Committee.

Applicants will be informed of the Committee's decision regarding their proposals 3-4 months after submission. In addition to the requested budget not to exceed $1,000 (US), awardees will receive one year's free membership to the HSI, and a summary of their research proposal will be published in the HSI Bulletin. Successful applicants must submit a final report within 12 months of receiving funding that describes the results of the project and includes a brief accounting of the funds spent. Awardees are also required to submit an article for publication in the HSI Bulletin upon conclusion of on their research.
Proposals should include the following four documents:
Description of the proposed research emphasizing the research questions to be answered and detailing any methods associated with data collection and analysis. The text should not exceed two single-spaced typed pages (excluding Budget and C.V.) and should include Background and Justification, Objectives, Materials and Methods, and Anticipated Results;
An itemized budget with justification for the requested expenses. Please mention availability of existing facilities and equipment that will facilitate the research;
Curriculum Vitae;
A statement of eligibility from research supervisor or graduate department, indicating student or postdoctoral status.
Please submit proposals to:
Dr. Vinita Gowda
Dept. of Biological Sciences,
Room 223, AB3,
IISER Bhopal, Bhopal bypass road,
Bhauri, Bhopal 462066
Email: gowdav@iiserb.ac.in
Phone: +91-755-6691417
HSI Student Research Grants funded from 2005 to present
Seven grants were funded by the Heliconia Society International from 2005 to present. Click here to read a summary of these grants.